The Calm Down Jar

Hi!! I haven't been writing here for a while so I wanted to wish you a happy and blessed 2014 and this year I urge myself to write at least once a week! Let's pray that I can keep my goal in view not forgeting to look to my Savior as a Counselor and Help, forgetting what's behind and looking for the things that are to come! We can look to our past just to be thankful and to use it as a learning experience: "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history ." (—Ellen G. White, Life Sketches, 196) With that thought in mind let me share with you what the kids and I did today as an experiment : THE CALM DOWN JAR Of course that Logan got the blue because that's his favorite colour and Larissa got the pink one or reddish kind of colour, we tried to make it pink. And here are the ingredients: -2 tubes of glitter glue; -1/2 of glitter - warm water -food coloring ...