
Showing posts from May 19, 2024

April 04-2024

 I know it’s no longer April but I must write that this year we celebrated 20 years of marriage ! We got married 04/04/04 ! All I can say is that I’m thankful for each day and I give all the credits to God the One Who has Sustained us throughout the years.  Here I share a few nature pictures and a beautiful devotional by Ellen White ! Enjoy  “  Spring Has Come April has come again. The sun shines gloriously, the grass is springing up everywhere, and the free little songsters of the wood and field contribute to the general joy. – {HR April 1, 1871 Par. 1} Who can but be joyous in the glad sunshine, beholding the beauties of nature, and seeing the evidences of the goodness and love of God, in the lofty trees, and the earth covered with its  green   carpet , and adorned with beautiful flowers of every hue? Our wise Creator loves to see his children healthful and happy. Should we not remember God as we look upon these evidences of his love? Would we not be very ungrateful if we did not ack