2023- Larissa’s Birthday

“ For we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men. “ (1 Corinthians 4:9) I read that verse this morning in a devotional and it made me think of yesterday when Larissa and I were in a boat ride. We are visiting Paris for her very special 15th Birthday and I praise God for the opportunity of being here visiting this country and seeing the beautiful and historical sites and in our boat ride yesterday in the Seine River we were in a big boat with other 600 people were we could either ride downstairs or upstairs in a big deck type outlooking all the historical sites but specially seeing people sitting by the river. Something very peculiar would happen when our boat was passing by these people. They were probably used to see this boat and “wave” to the unknown people inside the boat! During the one hour boat trip I could watch with intense interest those that didn’t wave at first starting to wave and there from the city some people would make heart shape with thei...