Life is in the Air - Spring Time

Spring time is a time for joy for there's beauty all around and life is in the air.' "Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Luke 12:27. Why did not our heavenly Father carpet the earth with brown or gray? He chose the color that was most restful, the most acceptable to the senses. How it cheers the heart and refreshes the weary spirit to look upon the earth, clad in its garments of living green!... Every spire of grass, every opening bud and blooming flower, is a token of God’s love, and should teach us a lesson of faith and trust in Him.* I’ve started to write this blog 6 years ago with one purpose. To write a thankful note each day! Looking back I'm thankful that I started for one thing is for sure:"We have nothing to fear for the future unless we forget how the...