
Showing posts from June 23, 2013

Be content

"I have learned in whatsoever state I am that I should be content"(Philippians4:11) Sabbath School: I just love Elena the most enthusiastic sabbath school teacher.  Today was communion at church or foot washing; Jesus is our only example and we do it in remembrance of Him.  It's a beautiful day! We went to the cemetery and distributed some "Great Controversy" books and also slipped some on the doors.  God is so good and here's the sunshine   And the beautiful blue sky Thankful for the sabbath day and the perfect weather!!  And for a sweet little girl that holds yellow flowers!!

Blessed be the Lord

Read Psalm 28:6 " Blessed be The Lord, because He hath heard the voice of my supplications"  "True success in any line of work is not the result of chance or accident or destiny. It is the outworking of God’s providences, the reward of faith and discretion, of virtue and perseverance. Fine mental qualities and a high moral tone are not the result of accident. God gives opportunities; success depends upon the use made of them. – {LHU 193.3} While God was working in Daniel and his companions “to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13), they were working out their own salvation. Herein is revealed the outworking of the divine principle of cooperation, without which no true success can be attained. Human effort avails nothing without divine power; and without human endeavor, divine effort is with many of no avail. To make God’s grace our own, we must act our part. His grace is given to work in us to will and to do, but never as a substitute for our e...

According to your faith

Today is the 27th and I opened my bible in Matthew 9 and read verse 27. It talks about two blind men crying out loud for help to be healed by Jesus and in verse 29 Jesus said: " 29  Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you." So I started to look in the concordance for that and found the same story in  Matthew 20:30,31 Mark 10:47,48 Luke18:38,39   It's all about faith! According to your faith let it be done unto you...I have been asking, crying and pleading with God for a new heart, and a new spirit over the last 6 years since I was baptized and was born again! It's a daily battle against my will asI struggle to do God's will. The answer for that prayer is in Ezequiel 36:26" 26  A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." This is God speaking and I must trust, have faith because I know that His wor...

Weeding the garden

I must say that today was a very productive day and I give all glory to God for He's the One who kept us in shape to do the work we should do.  In the morning the kids routine usually is: 1-> Wake up between 7 am-8 am have devotionals ( or listen to KJV bible one chapter or cd devotionals) the children take not more than 8-10 min of personal time with God. After their story is over mommy or daddy prays with them each child separately.  After devotionals are over  2->  it's time to change clothes and make their beds all by themselves. It also includes they must fold their pajamas properly and put it in the drawers  3-> Drink WATER It's very important that they drink water as soon as they wake up and then after 30 minutes. It's known that our bodies produce vitamin B12 during the night and this vitamin is absorbed early when a cup of water is drank right after we wake up. Ad that helps us to keep our immune system boosted.  4-> after...

Mangonate Fruit Salad

This is one of my favorites! 2 mangos grated  2 pomegranates 2 Tbsp shredded coconut  Handful of sunflower seeds and cashew nuts crushed( optional) Ok..... I just looked on google translate and the word shredded that I use all the time in my recipes is not  what I wanted to say... Oh well I meant to say GRATED now will be easy I just must remember the word great and grate 'cause everything grated becomes great and I'm so grateful for grated fruits... So the recipe is: You must grate( ?) weird word... Here goes: Raw mango has a firm skin and pulp. It can be easily grated on grater( got it? Just copied the whole sentence from google, sometimes English can be so tricky I didn't know how to use "grated"in a sentence) Open the pomegranate and take the seeds off( cut it in half, then pull the corners, then the middle of it and it will be easier for the seeds to come off, the white part of the pomegranate is really bitter so don't let it go in the salad) No secret wi...

Strawberry dates ball

Crushed almonds Dates Shredded coconut Strawberries or grapes In a food processor crush a handful of almonds and after its crushed add 10-12 dates medium size and crush it all together with 1 Tbsp of shredded coconut and after it becomes a paste use oil in your hands, best if used coconut oil, roll the paste into a ball and make a little hole in it to add a strawberry or grapes.  Makes 9 small/medium size balls You should cut each strawberries in 4 pieces to fit the dates ball or get small strawberries, organic ones is best!! Done! Enjoy it ;) Recipe by Luke Riges and adapted by Lucy Riges. 

Bread CaCaCa

Here's the recipe for my new gluten free bread it took it's name for the ones who ate it and loved it, I will make it again and will take a picture  I invented another gluten free recipe: 1 cup of millet( uncooked) 1 cup of gram( Indian flour) 2 Tbs of olive oil 2 Tbs gluten free oats 1 Tsp dry yeast 1 cup of warm water 2 Tbs grounded flaxseed 1/2 cup of corn meal A few sundried tomatoes( optional) 1/2 Tbs salt 1 handful of almonds crushed  1 Tbs honey Wow a lot of ingredients... Mix all together and let it raise and after 20 min bake it on 200 degrees for 20-30 min. Finito :) I thank Mariana, Gabriela and Mauro Carnassale, Ca, Ca, Ca for loving my bread!! I will do it again!!

The Faith I live By

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Daniel 12:2. – {FLB 182.1} It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people. The sun appears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders follow in quick succession. The wicked look with terror and amazement upon the scene, while the righteous behold with solemn joy the tokens of their deliverance. Everything in nature seems turned out of its course. The streams cease to flow. Dark, heavy clouds come up, and clash against each other. In the midst of the angry heavens is one clear space of indescribable glory, whence comes the voice of God like the sound of many waters, saying, “It is done.” Revelation 16:17.... – {FLB 182.2} That voice shakes the heavens and the earth. There is a mighty earthquake, “such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.” Revelation 16:18.... The whole e...

The bedside prayer!

Today as I was putting my children to sleep a remembrance came to my mind when I told Larissa and Logan not to sleep with a cord close to them and the story is this: When Logan was 3 years old I was sleeping on my bed when I felt a strong impression on my mind that I should go to my kids bedroom and pray for them. I usually did it and I remember that I had already prayed for my kids on that day and I was laying down on my bed but just couldn't sleep. So I went to my kids room Larissa used to sleep on a crib for she was not even 2 years old and as I was kneeling down in prayer beside Logan's bed when I saw him moving and stretching his arms and as I opened mine eyes from praying I saw Logan all tangled in an electric cord from his bedside light. He was sleeping but the cord was around his neck and one arm. I really don't know how he was tangled like that but how much I praise my wonderful and mighty God for speaking to me through the strong impression on that particular nigh...


The character quality for this week is Integrity and we are learning about an insect abdomen Joseph in prison Read what is says here: " Food gives one energy to work and live. Kindness , concern, and Integrity  give the spiritual life energy. " Logan's work  Larissa's work We read a story about the white ant or Termites and learned that they are clever and wonderful little creatures:


And today I read in my bible about the word "withdraw" 2 Thessalonians 3:6  Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw  yourselves from every brother who walks in rebellion, and not after the tradition which they received from us.  (WEB KJV ASV DBY WBS YLT) 1 Timothy 6:5  constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain.  Withdraw  yourself from such.  (WEB KJV WBS) I'm still learning and praying about what God wants me to learn from that word... And at homeschool we are learning about Integrity and insects, today we spoke about the white ants.  And today Daddy and our adopted grandpa or nôno went to the fruit market in London and brought lots and lots of yummy food!!!  We are planning to have a one day a week only fruits!  Can you believe that eggplants here in England are called Aubergine? Just funn...