Wedding Anniversary 04/04/04

“ 4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” ( Luke 4:4) “ Of all the lessons to be learned from our Lord’s first great temptation none is more important than that bearing upon the control of the appetites and passions. In all ages, temptations appealing to the physical nature have been most effectual in corrupting and degrading mankind. Desire of Ages page122 It was on April 30, 2002 when I met my husband. Since the First of May is a holiday in Brazil I decided to go out with a friend. It was a Tuesday so, an unusual day to go out but we just decided to go to a bar, a rock and roll bar called Crossroads near my home. I went upstairs and found Luke there. I told my friend Fran that I really liked Luke and that he had green eyes. I also noticed that he was drinking an ice tea can (he was already showing that he was living not by bread alone but by every word of God), so drinking ice tea instea...