
Showing posts from 2013


The character quality for this week's lesson was "Trustfulness" And what it means the word rely? In other words Trustfulness means to depend with full confidence or to be dependent on the character, strength and word of God! We learned a lot from nature too: We have artichokes, beans and tomatoes growing in our garden so it was really nice to see it on the paper and to see it alive and in colors!  We saw the work of a lead miner through a microscope.  We spent time with a homeschool group and studied about God's creations On the right side of the picture is sweet Larissa with friends Alicia and Talita And here's Logan with Aunty Ana Our classroom, my kitchen! My precious helpers that lightened the moms daily cleaning house work!  Kindly Lucy

A Wake Up Call AGAIN

This morning at 4:30am my son came in my bedroom's door just so that I could wake up and go back with him to his bedroom and after a prayer in seconds he was back to sleep!  Why this happened? I believe and understand that God has many ways where we have only one.  Since I wasn't waking up with the alarm clock, God found another way of speaking to me because its in the morning where we can clearly study God's word, when silence becomes our music and prayer becomes our conversation.  " O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days " (Psalms 90:14) " Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not . " (Jeremiah 33:3) So here's what I studied: “He gives more grace. Therefore He says: ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:6, 7, NKJV).  ...


Last week the character quality was: Obedience Logan stated violin lessons And Larissa started recorder lessons We are going to really nice homeschool group and singing at a choir together: In the homeschool group we learned about eatable flowers and did a tea out of dandelions and false camomile; It was delicious Here's a flower bouquet the kids got for me: I just love England this time of the year.  And this is it for today.  Kindly Lucy :)

Hang it on Jesus

I just want to share a little story that happened to me. I used to hang the clothes after washing it all over the house since I only have a washing machine and not a dryer so since my mother in law got here she gave me the idea of making a clothes line outside. So we did it and what a difference it made specially on Wednesday that I wash the bed sheets and one thing came to my mind as I saw those clothes/sheets hanging in there: Jesus was hanged on a cross in order for us to hang our worries and our troubles to Him and He would give us rest and He said: "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest"...for my yoke is easy and my burden is light Matthew 11:28-30 Life would be easier if we could remember to put everything in His hands.  " Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."(Philippians 4:6)    Give it all to Him for He cares for you And He says:...

All we posses comes from God

“At the entrance gate of the path that leads to everlasting life God places faith, and He lines the whole way with the light and peace and joy of willing obedience. The traveler in this way keeps ever before him the mark of his high calling in Christ. The prize is ever in sight. To him God’s commands are righteousness and joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.”—Ellen G. White, In Heavenly Places, p. 183. "The natural heart feels no need of repentance. The tears that fall from the eyes of man because of sorrow for his sinfulness and because of sympathy for other sinners, start unbidden. They are as dew from eyes that belong to God.... The reformed life is but the better employment of a life that has been ransomed by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. No credit should we take to ourselves for anything that we may do.... – "{HP 221.3} Faith, too, is the gift of God. Faith is the assent of man’s understanding to God’s words, that binds the heart to God’s service. And whose is man’s under...


The character quality for this week's lesson is: Quietness and it came in the right time!  Quietness=freedom from agitation! I really liked this definition  A really nice story: A simple story about surrendering to Christ! And today is cleaning day; and here are my cleaners Playing with worms instead of cleaning!

A visit to a Welsh Museum

Last week we visited the amazing Museum of Welsh People! It was so exciting for me as well as for the children to see all the houses that people used to live and to experience how life was in those times! We had the pleasure of being with a welsh friend of ours and her children Sujoya the mom, Sioned the 6 year old daughter, Stephan the 4 year old boy and baby Andreas.  I read something this morning that strengthened my thoughts to share the life of the welsh people with you since I'm praying and studying about revival and reformation: " An illustration of the impact of revival on daily life can be seen in the Welsh Revival of 1904. Evan Roberts and some of his friends began earnestly praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They interceded, studied Scripture, and shared their faith. The Spirit was poured out in response. Lives were changed. In six months there were one hundred thousand conversions in the small country of Wales. The results of this revival were seen thro...