A visit to a Welsh Museum

Last week we visited the amazing Museum of Welsh People! It was so exciting for me as well as for the children to see all the houses that people used to live and to experience how life was in those times! We had the pleasure of being with a welsh friend of ours and her children Sujoya the mom, Sioned the 6 year old daughter, Stephan the 4 year old boy and baby Andreas. 

I read something this morning that strengthened my thoughts to share the life of the welsh people with you since I'm praying and studying about revival and reformation:
"An illustration of the impact of revival on daily life can be seen in the Welsh Revival of 1904. Evan Roberts and some of his friends began earnestly praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They interceded, studied Scripture, and shared their faith.
The Spirit was poured out in response. Lives were changed. In six months there were one hundred thousand conversions in the small country of Wales. The results of this revival were seen throughout the country. Throughout the day people flocked to churches by the thou- sands for prayer. The rough cursing coal miners were transformed into kind, courteous gentlemen. Even the pit ponies in the coal mines had to learn new commands because the miners were not cursing at them anymore! Transformed, obedient lives sprang from converted hearts. This is irrefutable evidence of a true revival."

A typical welsh costume for those days

They lived a simple life and each house had its own garden so they were totally self supported likewise we should be today! 

"O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart."(Proverbs 8:5)

Lucy ;) 


  1. Oi Lu, muito impressionante a vida dos Welsh people! Gostei do quadro "Christ is the Head of this house..." quero fazer um pra mim também.

    1. Oi Rute :)
      Que bom saber que entre suas atividades encontrou um tempinho pra ler meu pequeno artigo; Também gostei bastante desse quadro e vou pensar em fazer um pra nós aqui em casa, boa idéia! Foi bem legal a visita ao museu e é muito bom poder compartilhar um pouco com voces e me alegra em saber que leêm..


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