The fifteen minutes that make a difference

“ Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” ( Ephesians 5:16) When Logan and Larissa were toddlers and didn’t know much about how minutes worked I had a nice little timer that I used to carry around the house to use with them. I remember when they wanted to play LEGO together we would set the timer for 15 minutes and after the timer was off we would clean up and go do something else. Sometimes they wanted to ride their bikes and there I would turn my timer to fifteen minutes and they would play, sometimes we sat together and read books or played with play dough. At first the fifteen minutes seemed so little but adding it to our daily chores and activities was a very functional application and taught us not only to use our time wisely but also discipline. Today as I look back I miss those fifteen minutes. Now we have Lance and Lily and I don’t remember ever using a timer to play with them or I didn’t even own a timer anymore. Well ...