The fifteen minutes that make a difference

“ Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
( Ephesians 5:16)

When Logan and Larissa were toddlers and didn’t know much about how minutes worked I had a nice little timer that I used to carry around the house to use with them. I remember when they wanted to play LEGO together we would set the timer for 15 minutes and after the timer was off we would clean up and go do something else. Sometimes they wanted to ride their bikes and there I would turn my timer to fifteen minutes and they would play, sometimes we sat together and read books or played with play dough. At first the fifteen minutes seemed so little but adding it to our daily chores and activities was a very functional application and taught us not only to use our time wisely but also discipline. 

  Today as I look back I miss those fifteen minutes. Now we have Lance and Lily and I don’t remember ever using a timer to play with them or I didn’t even own a timer anymore. Well since I started writing this post, I started to write it one month ago and in between this time I bought a timer. On the first days here it was a new addition to the family and everybody wanted to use it but now not so much. I guess I must have to get it back to our routine for it seems like the cellphones had gotten the space of much of the simpler things from a few years ago. 

 But how much difference can fifteen minutes add to someone’s life? I believe it makes a big difference if you go to the hospital once a week to visit the sick and just share a smile or give a ear to listen to someone for at least fifteen minutes. To lend a hand to help someone with their daily chores at home since that someone is sick at least for fifteen minutes. To stop for a visit at your neighbors house.... to read a book to your kids, to play with them for at least fifteen minutes. It seems so little but think about it. Fifteen minutes without touching your phone or answering calls, looking at emails... just sitting and spending time with someone for at least fifteen minutes. Do you think that it would make a difference? I tell you it does make a difference so today you can brighten someone’s day, starting with your household, your own family by giving them fifteen minutes of your time to listen, to encourage, uplift and pray. 

Life is short and we must redeem the time. 

Until then. 

Now I want to share the picture of my new timer and a few recipes and things that we have been doing during summer. 
I’ve been on a raw diet for almost 30 days and will try to do it for at least 60 days. It’s proving to be a blessing and also healing for we know from old that  “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God”(1Corinthians 10:31) and also let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food ( Hippocrates) 

This little timer fits into the palm of my hand and yet it can do a big change in our lives 

Went to the park with some friends

Learned how to use raw bulgur wheat to make taboule
Just let it soak overnight and the next day it will be much softer and ready to use 

Celtic salt is the best salt for while the other salt is composed of two minerals NaCl( Sodium Cloride) this Celtic salt contains more than 35 different minerals that help to keep your body in balance. My husband was healed from high blood pressure using it. Thanks to God and to a chiropractor friend of ours and to a lifestyle change too. 

Logan’s writing for what he was thankful during our family worship outdoors. 

Lance holding a origami butterfly that Logan made


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