Wedding Anniversary 04/04/04

“ 4And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” ( Luke 4:4)
 Of all the lessons to be learned from our Lord’s first great temptation none is more important than that bearing upon the control of the appetites and passions. In all ages, temptations appealing to the physical nature have been most effectual in corrupting and degrading mankind. Desire of Ages page122

It was on April 30,  2002 when I met my husband. Since the First of May is a holiday in Brazil I decided to go out with a friend. It was a Tuesday so, an unusual day to go out but we just decided to go to a bar, a rock and roll bar called Crossroads near my home.
I went upstairs and found Luke there. I told my friend Fran that I really liked Luke and that he had green eyes. I also noticed that he was drinking an ice tea can (he was already showing that he was living not by bread alone but by every word of God), so drinking ice tea instead of beer,  like all the men in Brazil would do and that really made a big impression on me. I was drinking tequila which is a shame I know but I didn’t know Jesus back then, so Luke asked the waitress to give me a beer and so he did and told me that it was from Luke.
After a while he came and asked my name and I said that my name was Luciana and I asked his and he said Luciano, so I really thought that it was a joke, so I asked again what’s your name and he said seriously: “ my name is Luciano” so I asked for his ID so that he could prove it. To my surprise he had the first and middle name just like mine. His name is Luciano Carlos and mine is Luciana Caroline !! Wow I think this is the one!!

And so from then one I had set my mind that it was supposed to be and that because we had the same name, that was a big thing to me, we were supposed to live happily ever after!!! And so here we are happily ever after only by God’s Grace and I’ll talk more about it and how did I learn about Jesus, my Saviour!!

This picture was taken 2 months after we met on Luke's first surprise birthday. I invited him to come to my house and told him that my mom would prepare a dinner for him but when he arrived there was cakes and candies, Brazilian birthday candies and all my family was there including my sisters, cousins and uncle.   
This was in front of the place we met. 2003

Only picture I have of our wedding day. It was on 04/04/04 or April 4, 2004, Sunday

On our Honeymoon in the state of Santa Catarina in 2004

31 of December 2005, we moved to the USA in 8 of December 2004 and we lived in Florida but in December 2005 we wanted to spend New Years Eve at the famous Times Square And so we drove from Florida to New York, 18 hours of non stop driving, one thousand miles! We were starting our traveling adventures!! Not knowing all the places we would explore years later! 

Well this is 2019 here in Ireland! We are getting older !


2013 Italy or Spain 

2007- 2 months after Logan’s birth in Orlando with my sister Tatiana who took the picture 

2014 pregnant of Lance in Costa Rica 

2011 at home Ocala- Florida 

2013- Aylesbury, England 

2013- Romania 

2013- Paris 

2005 - Tampa, Florida 

2016 Ireland 

2010 Bryce Canyon- Arizona 


09/09/2006 Rainbow River, Dunnellon , Florida 
A special day to remember! The day that I was born again!! It was in 09/09/2006 and Luke was the angel that God brought to my life to tell me about Jesus and His promises. When I met him he would tell me stories from the Bible like David and Goliath and I would listen to it amazed of how giants did exist before and that it was really a true story. I was born and raised catholic and a very strong one but when Luke told me those stories they were so real!! Luke went to a Seventh day Adventist school in Brazil for his mom, also catholic, knew that they gave good education but he would question his religion teacher a lot about the sabbath. So the teacher told him to search in the Bible for a place were he should go to church on Sunday but Luke never found it so he became a seventh day Adventist but when I met him he was alway from church. However he always kept in touch with a friend from school and that friend never stopped praying for Luke’s conversion and so that made a huge difference in our lives. After we got married we moved to the United States and there we searched for a church, I was searching for a catholic one and Luke was searching for an adventist one until I met my English teacher and I saw that she was diferente and thought that she was an adventist just because I met one lady one time in Brazil, well that’s another story but here goes, that lady sold honey and we went there on sabbath and it was closed so Luke said that perhaps they were adventist so when we went there on Sunday and spoke to the owner a very nice and polite lady she mentioned that she was an adventist and I did chat with her a little and found that that lady was special and different there was something on her that I didn’t find before. I told that to Luke and said that I wanted to be just like that lady and so he briefly told me about the Adventist’s people and how he once was one of them but I didn’t pay much attention at that time. But anyways going back to my English teacher, she reminded me of that lady from the honey store and believe me she was a seventh day Adventist so she introduced us to church and they became my family ! The family I chose!

2012 London 

2013 Italy 

2006 Logan’s birth

2008 Larissa’s birth 

2017 Ireland 

2015 in Brazil 

2020 at home county Kerry 

2018 pregnant of Lily at the forest near home in county Kildare 

2019 Ireland 

And so this is our story to you. I believe in marriage and I believe in living happily ever after!! My husband is still the one I love and our lives are not perfect. We do have our misunderstandings sometimes and we do disagree in a few things sometimes but then we talk and we pray together. We ask for forgiveness and we start again. We do have the same name but we are the opposite of one another. One time a friend told me that a married couple should have to kiss a lot and hug each other all the time, no, I learned tru experience that a married life is not like that we don’t hug all the time or kiss all the time for that would be even too boring to me, we talk a lot for communication is the key in a relationship and when we don’t talk we disagree because it was not communicated before hahaha and then we don’t let the sun go down in our anger!! “ In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry” Ephesians 4:26
We try and always talk before going to bed, we pray before we sleep and then we apologize for each other if during that day we did something wrong to each other or we don’t even have to wait for the night to come to apologize... if we said something wrong to each other at the same time we realize and apologize, sometimes it takes longer sometimes it’s right away but it all depends! Everyday is a new day and everyday is different! Yes a hug makes a big difference so sometimes I just hug him for I learned it from him, and he can only hugs me back! A hug is such a comfort specially from the one you love. 
We learned to live by the word of God, to seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added on to you! 

So that’s it for today!! So if you’re a new wedded couple here’s my tip to you, seek God first and don’t let the sun go down on your anger, always talk to each other and don’t worry if you disagree at least you’re communicating even in disagreement   We can’t force the other person to be like we are for each individual is an individual person with different characteristics than you and a different character! The closer we get to Jesus, the closer we get to each other for we are reaching the same goal!! So your aim should always be higher ground! 

Have a blessed sabbath day 
And here’s is something else to watch and be thankful for God’s Creation 

With love 


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