June 6
June 5 was a long and marvelous day though it didn't finish early and sometimes I wish we didn't have to sleep so we could keep on learning...
And Luke brought me the juice
What a creative Creator we have!!
My sweet husband learned how to do preserves!
Here goes the link:
Also the strawberries jam from yesterday he also learned on YouTube:
This morning I read my devotionals from This Day with God from Ellen White:
We are not our own property. We have become servants of Christ by grace. We are the purchase of the blood of the Son of God.
You have not a trouble, perplexity, or difficulty which did not press with equal weight upon the Son of God; not a sorrow to which His heart was not equally exposed. His feelings were hurt as easily as yours. Again the life and character of Christ were faultless. God has given us a perfect, faultless pattern. God designed to make of you an able, efficient workman. The mind He designed should be purified, elevated, ennobled. If the mind is allowed to be exercised with small things, it will be feeble as the result of unchanging laws. God wants His servants to enlarge the scope of their thoughts and plans of labor and bring their powers into vigorous contact with things that are grand, elevating, ennobling. This will give new springs to the intellectual faculties. His thoughts will take broad scope and he will gird up his energies for the task of a broader, deeper, grander work, swimming in deep and broad waters where there is no bottom or shore.... – {TDG 166.3}.
I'm thankful for Rhubarbs... I never thought of such a plant!! Truly never saw this plant on my home country Brazil, thankful for God that brought me to England that has taught me about Rhubarb
Look at these giant and healthy leaves! I would surely eat it but learned that we are only supposed to eat
This part:It taste like lemon and I just learned that The root is used as an anticholesterolemic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, aperient, astringent, cholagogue, demulcent, diuretic, laxative, purgative, stomachic and tonic. Rhubarb roots contain anthraquinones which have a purgative effect, and the tannins and bitters have an an effect that is opposite that of an astringent. Very interesting, isn't it! You can read more about it here: http://www.rhubarbinfo.com/medicinal
Heading on to our homeschooling hiding place, our tent onthe backyard:

After our time ringed was cleaning time! Today is Thursday or Quinta-Feira in Portuguese which means the 5th day o the week..."For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."( Exodus 20:11) so today we cleaned and like every other day of the week we get ready for the sabbath!
Luke came for lunch and here's our routine:
•Luke-> Vaccum
•Logan-> Bathroom downstairs
• Larissa and I-> Bathroom upstairs and the shower
Every other day we wash clothes and the kids have their turn helping me sorting clothes and each one of them have their routine washing the dishes and cleaning the table.
So after cleaning was done was lunch time:
I'm so blessed to have Luke as my husband! He did this dish with the left over from yesterday: spaghetti, lentils and he added tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes and arugula and stuck it in the oven and was delicious!! And he still in his juice diet( 30days)...day 10 today, I'm do proud of him!!
While he was home I took the time and walked to town to buy a little doll house on a thrift shop for Larissa's birthday! Her birthday is on August. Before I went there I asked God that if it was His will that I should buy the litte house that it would be there otherwise that someone else would buy it. When I got to the store the little house was gone so I prayed and a thought came that I should stop in another thrift shop where without a doubt I found the perfect doll house for a bargain!! God is good and He hear us!!
Afternoon, time to play with Logan: making leaf sandwich.. Precious little fingers!!
Thankful for the treasures we find on nature:
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