Being Confident

I have found the best encouragement I could ask for this morning as I opened the pages of the precious word of God!

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:"( Philippians 1:6)

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."( Romans 12:2)

Man, fallen man , may be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that he can "prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
How does he prove this? By the Holy Spirit taking possession of his mind, spirit, heart and character. Where does the proving come in? "We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels and to men"( 1 Co 4:9 just the end). Besetting( trouble, temptations or difficulties)sins are overcome, evil thoughts are not allowed in the mind, evil habits are purged from the soul temple. Wrong disposition and feelings are changed, new principles of action supplied and there's a new standard of character. Holy tempers and sanctified emotions are now the fruit borne upon the Christian Tree. An entire transformation has taken place. This is the work to be wrought!!
We see by experience that in our own strength, resolutions and purposes are of no avail. But the only way we can secure the help of God is to put ourselves wholly 

in His hands, and trust Him to work for us. As we lay hold of Him by faith, He does the work. The believer can only trust. As God works, we can work, trusting in Him and doing His will.( MS 1a,1890)

 Before believers and unbelievers we  must constantly recognize our dependence upon God. Our bodies, our souls, our lives, are His, not only because they are His free gift, but because God constantly supplies us with His benefits, and gives us strenght to use our faculties.(RH Nov.24, 1896)

"As many as receive Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name"Shall we not , then, give to Christ that which He has died to redeem?If you will do this He will quicken your conscience, renew your heart, sanctify your affections, purify your thoughts, and set all your powers at work for Him. Those who are sons of God will represent Christ in character. Their work will be perfurmed by the infinite tenderness, compassion, love, and purity of the Son of God. And the more completely mind and body are yielded to the Holy Spirit, the greater will be the fragrance of our offering to Him(Review and Herold, November 24, 1896 Ellen White)

I just copied this from my bible, these are the commentaries, and as I read it I was praying that I can put it into practice in my life and home!!

Today is a busy day as is the preparation day. 
Here's our breakfast:

I used blueberries, 1 shredded apple, 2 plums, 1 banana, a few strawberries, almonds and sunflower seeds crushed!!
For breakfast Luke made bread for us:
He used sprouted wheat berries and I just couldn't afford it but eating a piece even  though I can't tolerate gluten!
Today was Lissa's turn to clean the table,
And Logan's turn to wash the dishes:
Little blessings!!! Children surely are a gift from God! 

I'll be making Special K and a desert with millet and Pinnaples called Pave piña colada 
I made some Special K paddies too! 
Special K recipe:
->2 Tofu
->8 cups of the cereal called Special K
-> 1 Cup of unswetened milk(rice or almond or walnut milk)
->1 tablespoon of salt
->1 sautee onion
->1 cup of walnuts
->1 cup of pecans
Mix everything in a big bowl and put it in the oven for 40 min in high temperature, but keep watching it depends on the oven it can take only 30 minutes.

For the Pave piña colada:
from the website
->1 cup of millet (cooked in 3 cupf of water)
->1 pinnaple
->1 can of coconut milk
->1 Tablespoon of vanilla
->6 Tbp of shredded coconut
->the juice of 2 lemons or limes
->4 Tbp of honey
->1 Tsp of salt
-> Granola or other cereal or crushed nuts to make the first base of the pave

Use the granola or the nuts to make the first layer like a lasagna and mix all the other ingredients in the blender, add over the layers and is ready! The real recipe asks to cook the pineapple but I just used mine raw! 
 And that's all for tomorrow!! 

Today we had a big salad that helos to clean our bodies and keep the toxins out also lentils and pasta( gluten free)

And I must say that's over! Now is 5:19pm and like always I'm at the kitchen cleaning and afterwards we might go to the park since its sunny outside :)

Here we are 

Happy Sabbath


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