Friends are Heaven sent

Last week I received a book from a friend and it has been a blessing to me. It's called "Beautiful in God's Eyes". I got it in Portuguese and it belongs to my friend but I was so happy to receive it, specially because it arrived by mail and I'm so old fashioned and appreciate receiving anything my mail, let alone a book! Thank you my friend, It was a big surprise and it came in a perfect time! 
God's time is always perfect.

One thing I've learned is that God always send friends on our way. Friends that can share their life with us, share their experiences, share their joy and even their sorrows, share recipes, share their children but friends that brings us close to God are sure Heaven sent and that's my only one desire: to bring you close to God and have friends that will help me to have a closer relationship with God by our conversation, by our actions, by our lifestyle.
 Heaven sent friends will rejoice when you rejoice and help you to stand when you fall.
 Heaven sent friends will not be disappointed if you can't meet with them but will pray that another oppotunity might come. 
 Heaven sent friends will have open hearts and willingness to forgive for the trials of one may not be the trials of another, and our hearts should ever be open to kindly sympathy and all aglow with the love that Jesus had for all His brethren.

"The religion of Christ dos not require us to lose our identity of character, but merely to apapt ourselves, in some measure, to the feelings and ways of others. Many people may be brought together in a unity of religious faith whose opinions, habits, and tastes in temporal matters are not in harmony; but if they have the love of Christ glowing in their bosoms, and are looking forward to the same heaven as their eternal home, they may have the sweetest and most intelligent communion together, and a unity the most wonerful. There are scarcely two whose experience is alike in every particular."(Testimonies 65-66)

We visited our friends at the pond. Canada Goose, the mute swan, grey legged geese, embden geese, 

Some goose are really funny and have their own personality, we named one the shouter, because he's always shouting and in this picture shows exactly what they do when they shout! Somehow I thought that goose didn't have tongues, but there it is.

And this is it for today :)

Have a happy and blessed day with Jesus as your best Friend!




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