Honorableness x Disrespectfulness
We tried our best to practice honorableness and respect each other.
Daddy went to the big market and bought lots of fruits so we had lots of extra boxes to play with. Here's a little bit of what we've done.
We build a castle out of boxes.
Since we are learning about king David we did shiny crowns and thought about that day "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him."( James 1:12)
We had our raw day at the park and enjoyed the beautiful spring weather.
As the kids played I watched from affar and in once instance Larissa fell down as she tried to slide from a bigger ramp. Logan was up there but when he saw his sister on the ground he left his scooter behind and went down to help her to stand again and giving the fallen down scooter to her he went back to play.
When I saw Logan's action, the deeds of Jesus came into my mind as He left his place on high to come down to this earth and help us to stand and to choose life! I told Logan afterward that he was following Jesus's steps as he helped his sister without hesitation! We prayed together and thanked God because every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.(Read James 1:17)

After playing on the skate ramp we fed the ducks and on our way found this beautiful tree. Treasures from God.
For our amazement the swan found a companion and the ducks had babies!! What a joy to see it!
Logan had to write on his bird diary about the swan new companion and it was his first writing. All by himself.
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