The character quality for the week of April 27- May 02 was kindness.
We tried to practice the character quality for the week as we did our daily tasks.
We heard a really good story on BBN and there we learned 3 ways that we can show kindness:
I truly saw difference in my children when we remembered t use this rule.
And since we are learning about birds for this quarter we studied about the " Blue-Footed Booby"
Isn't it cute! It looks like a paint!
As we learn about birds and their amazing variety we see how little is our knowledge about it and how big is the creativity of our Creator God!
We draw some paper dolls and played all day.
We went to the park and for our surprise we didn't find the baby ducks anymore!!
I asked someone at the park what could have happened with all those baby ducks. There was more than 10 babies. Someone said they could have been eaten by Herods!? What is a Herod? We searched about it and found it:
Grey Herod

Isn't it sad the consequences of sin!!!
What sin brought to our world is really indescribable, but Salvation was brought to us through the blood of Jesus and in Him we find freedom from sin and sadness!!
We also found that not only the grey Herod eats the ducklings but that seagulls also can eat it.
Such helpless babies eaten by its own family members, as we can consider they are all birds!
I know that this was not God's purpose for His creatures and I can't wait for a new earth! Happy that we are only pilgrims in this journey of life!
1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV"But as it is written , Eye hath not seen , nor ear heard , neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
And if the birds that have a lot of enemies surrounding them throughout the day keep singing happy melodies, how much more should we that are created in God's image praise Him with our voices and hearts daily.
"Look at the birds of the sky: They don't sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth more than they?"{ Matthew 6:26}
For our happiness we found that the snow goose and the Canada goose had babies. We could catch pictures with the Snow Goose for this week. Maybe next week we will see the Canadian geese close and it's babies.

We noticed that the Snow geese babies were different than the mallard ducks from last week, the snow goose are a more organized and ordered family. The babies seems to be always with the parents and followed after them and the parents are very protective.
"One well-ordered, well-disciplined family tells more in behalf of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached. Such a family gives evidence that the parents have been successful in following God’s directions, and that their children will serve Him in the church. Their influence grows; for as they impart, they receive to impart again. The father and mother find helpers in their children, who give to others the instruction received in the home. The neighborhood in which they live is helped, for in it they have become enriched for time and for eternity. The whole family is engaged in the service of the Master; and by their godly example, others are inspired to be faithful and true to God in dealing with His flock, His beautiful flock.
The greatest evidence of the power of Christianity that can be presented to the world is a well-ordered, well-disciplined family. This will recommend the truth as nothing else can, for it is a living witness of its practical power upon the heart.
The best test of the Christianity of a home is the type of character begotten by its influence. Actions speak louder than the most positive profession of godliness.
Our business in this world ... is to see what virtues we can teach our children and our families to possess, that they shall have an influence upon other families, and thus we can be an educating power although we never enter into the desk. A well-ordered, a well-disciplined family in the sight of God is more precious than fine gold, even than the golden wedge of Ophir."
{ Adventist Home p.32}
For this week we decided to explore other places for a walk and we went to a forest close by.
Amazed by the tall trees we could no think of anything else but the power of God that created such majestic trees and yet can read our hearts!!
Reading the book Education I learned about the importance of the bible. The chapter for this week was Chapter 13 and here are just a few words from it:
"As a means of intellectual training, the Bible is more effective than any other book, or all other books combined.The mind thus brought in contact with the thoughts of the Infinite cannot but expand and strengthen. – {Ed 124.2}
May we search God's word as the greatest treasure in earth and find in it that peace that passes all understanding.
Peace be with you
Lucy :)
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