A Higher goal...
Today I reached my goal! The 30 days of writing a thankful note daily is finished. I truly didn't know how to start a blog but how much easier it's to put an end in something. I had everything that I wanted to write in my mind all day long. And now it's like a blank came....Though writing is a therapy to me, somedays it was becoming an obligation and not a thankful note, and other times I didn't know I could say so much and do so much at once. The recipes I shared, the routine I wrote it down, the pictures taken all was not planned by me but I know that there's someOne Higher than I and Knows the end from the beginning He touched me to write every single post because all things may not happen the ways we plan but it sure happens the way God has planned. However sometimes I would stay up 'till late and miss the talk with my husband because I got to write down all the things I did throughout my day and this way I didn't miss only the night talking with my h...
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