Life is in the air- Spring Time - My Favorite Season

6Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee. Nehemiah 9:6

“ The more I study nature the more I stand AMAZED at the work of the Creator” Louis Pasteur 
The power of God is still exercised in upholding the objects of His creation. It is not because the mechanism once set in motion continues to act by its own inherent energy that the pulse beats, and breath follows breath. Every breath, every pulsation of the heart, is an evidence of the care of Him in whom we live and move and have our being. From the smallest insect to man, every living creature is daily dependent upon His providence. Education page 131

It’s great to be able to say that it’s Spring Time! My favorite season of the year!
Again And again and year after year I see the Hand of God in every little flower and shrub that starts to every bird that comes and goes with sticks  to prepare its nest, in the little lambs that were just born during the lambing season. The trees starting with their new foliage, the sun appearing and the rays of light bringing warm and welcoming us with life in the air!

This year we had a tough winter followed by heavy storms with wind and non stopping rain. I’m really ready to welcome the new season.

 11For, lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone;
12The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of the singing of birds is come,”
Song of Solomon 2:11-12

The Influence of Rejoicing—God's people have many lessons to learn. They will have perfect peace if they will keep the mind stayed on Him who is too wise to err and too good to do them harm. They are to catch the reflection of the smile of God, and reflect it to others. They are to see how much sunshine they can bring into the lives of those around them. They are to keep near to Christ, so close that they sit together with Him as His little children, in sweet, sacred unity. They are never to forget that as they receive the affection and love of God, they are under the most solemn obligation to impart it to others. Thus they may exert an influence of rejoicing, which blesses all who come within its reach, irradiating their pathway.—Letter 40, 1903. (Medical Ministry, 45). 

A Mysterious Interrelationship—Between the mind and the body there is a mysterious and wonderful relation. They react upon each other. To keep the body in a healthy condition to develop its strength, that every part of the living machinery may act harmoniously, should be the first study of our life. To neglect the body is to neglect the mind. It cannot be to the glory of God for His children to have sickly bodies or dwarfed minds.—Testimonies for the Church 3:485, 486 (1875). 2MCP 373.1

May we fix our mind on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.(Philippians 4:8)

And in times like these we have been walking near home and spending time at home but nevertheless God has given us a sweet precious gift of a baby goat that we found in one of our walks. Here I share our pictures. 
We also found some tadpoles in a puddle near home and are watching it grow. 

Here are some more encouraging videos about the Creator


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