
Today as I opened my bible I was in the bible concordance in the word "wrote" as I was called to look at this word in the book of 2John 5
"And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another."

Hum, I was impressed that this words were written for me! 
How? I read John 13:34 and it says:
"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

To love as Christ loved means unselfishness at all times and in all places , by kind words and pleasant looks. These costs those who give them nothing, but yet leave behind a fragrance that surrounds the soul. Their effect can never be estimated. Not only are they a blessing for the receiver, but to the giver.( MS 17, 1899, Ellen White)

For breakfast I blended I handful of cashews and the other handful of halzenuts and when I say a handful I mean a hand of five fingers not two hands together :) plus 1 Tablespoon of honey and 1 Tablespoon of vanilla
And is as white as cow milk but much more delicious!!

This was one of the stories in our homeschool today 
I'm enjoying our character quality for this week:

Luke learned to make another thing really nice! A homemade candle made out of an orange and oil:

Everyday I get more and more surprised with Luke's disposition! Praise God! Little acts like this helps our love to grow stronger!!
And talking about love...
One day as the kids and I were going out of the park we saw a lady with her clothes all tear apart, her boots has holes on it and she used a jacket and kept in pulling it down as she walked, trying to cover her legs and her butt from showing because her paints were tore apart all over. Larissa and I were really, really shocked and felt pity on that lady while Logan kept a distance from her and for that reason I decided not to talk to the lady! However today, as I was on my lunch brake, while Luke was home with the children I went to downtown since its just a walking distance from home and after I had done my shipping guess who I found? The lady, walking slow by the side of the road and this time I sent a quick prayer to God and without hesitation went on to speak to her. I noticed that people despised even walking on the same side of the road as she was waking! I asked if she needed clothes and she said that people usually asks for that but she said she was hungry and that is more than clothes; she then wanted to come to my house and have "a cup of tea" like the British say and she looked were normal to me! When I asked for her name she said it was difficult and was kinda afraid of saying her name to me. She just said it was like Anil, so I told her I would call her Annie! I have 2 tomatoes to her and we had a nice conversation and I insisted I would come bak to see her in a few minutes and also being some more food and clothes!! 
By this time it was Luke's time to go to work and he gave us a ride to the lady! Logan was afraid of her and Larissa had pity on this lady and couldn't stop looking at her clothes!! 
Here's just a piece of Annie...

She refused the clothes and the book I tried to give to her all she wanted was the food!! 

I brought apples and bread and she was content with that! She's British an is very sad with her own people not helping her. 
We prayed together and we talked an I tried to give some love to this lady!! I don't know what she has been thru but will continually pray for her!! 
Love can change lives!! And only God can help us to have this kind of love!! 
May His love abound in our hearts today!!
Lucy ;)


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