The case of the pressure cooker!
Today I read the a little paragraph in the book " Steps to Christ"
Through the right exercise of the will, an entire change may be made in your life. By yielding up your will to Christ, you ally yourself with the power that is above all principalities and powers. You will have strength from above to hold you steadfast, and thus through constant surrender to God you will be enabled to live the new life, even the life of faith.
( Steps to Christ, page 47, Ellen White)
A verse came to my mind:
" Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God.."
Our guests now our family!! They adopted my Luke as their son in Christ and I'm so happy because now the children have two grandpas or two "nônos" and they gave a pressure cooker for me but its not working properly and I'm really afraid of pressure cookers!!
Cooking beans takes more than 2 hours if not cooked on a pressure cooker pan and like a real Brazilian I love rice and beans! It's a shame we haven't bought one yet but I learned with my mom to be afraid of pressure cooker... The pan gets the pressure and then it all comes out at once, it takes a while to be heated and get the pressure it needs and then all the work that it had to hold the pressure and cook the beans is loosed when all the pressure comes out at once !! It's supposed to keep the pressure on it!! So a thought came into my mind! This pressure cooker is teaching me a lesson about my will:
When I'm not surrendering my thoughts to God I simply explode and it's like all the work of the days I have chosen to do what was right was lost! Because of seconds of angry outbursts my kids will absorb that and I will end up loosing all the work I had on teaching them to do the opposite! Children will copy what they see specially the parents so its very important what you do and say in motherhood!! And That's the reason why I must surrender every thought to God.
I got a flower from Logan
Closed on Friday :(
It's ok; we walked thru downtown and a Brazilian lady stopped me and I have a new friend! She invited us to go to her house!!
And from there we went to the park:
You know to be a mom is the most joyful experience and yet the hardest one, specially to be Logan's mother, it's the only challenge that I can call blessing!! But a friend of mine said: "in this world we will have tribulation but be happy because He have overcome the world!!(John 16:33)
He also said our path is not an easy one but He promised He would be with us!
At 7pm the sun started to shine
Today is the preparation day and soon we should be ready for sabbath :)
Happy Sabbath
Lucy :)
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