Weeding the garden

I must say that today was a very productive day and I give all glory to God for He's the One who kept us in shape to do the work we should do. 

In the morning the kids routine usually is:

1->Wake up between 7 am-8 am have devotionals ( Gracelink.net or listen to KJV bible one chapter or cd devotionals) the children take not more than 8-10 min of personal time with God. After their story is over mommy or daddy prays with them each child separately. 

After devotionals are over 
2-> it's time to change clothes and make their beds all by themselves. It also includes they must fold their pajamas properly and put it in the drawers 

3-> Drink WATER
It's very important that they drink water as soon as they wake up and then after 30 minutes. It's known that our bodies produce vitamin B12 during the night and this vitamin is absorbed early when a cup of water is drank right after we wake up. Ad that helps us to keep our immune system boosted. 

4-> after mommy checks the bed and pajamas they need to fold their towel from the shower of the day before. And Larissa must brush her hair with mommy. 

5-> by that time is almost 8:30 or 9am and we must start to wash the fruits we will use for breakfast and crush the nuts we will need; Larissa likes to wash the fruits while Logan is the crushing machine helper. 

After we have our fruit salad and oats ready( not everyday oats, we alternate the kind of fruits and nuts also the cereal daily in order to get different minerals)
6-> Its Family Worship time( we enjoy singing for Jesus, singing hymns and reading from the bible, we use Sonlight education as a curriculum (http://www.sonlighteducation.com/) 
Family Bible Lessons. 

7-> between 9 and 10am it's time to eat. 
We always eat the Raw portion first and then the cooked meal( bread, cereal...)

8-> after breakfast is over its time to clean up, the person who prayed for the food cleans the table and the other washes the dishes. We alternate it between breakfast and lunch. We usually don't have dinner but sometimes we opt for a natural juice as a 3th meal of the day. No food between meals only water!
Each child has his/her own water bottle. 

After the chores are done 
9-> it's time for homeschool. We just follow the curriculum from Sonlight education ministry and is easy as light though we get so much information from it. Lots and lots about insects for this quarter in the Family Bible Lessons. 

10-> by noon 12 pm we are ready to go
To the park and explore! Or go outside and study nature and run too. 

11-> we washed the bed sheets today and did some cleaning around the house after the park/ outdoors activity. 

12-> by 2pm started some food preparation and also found some time to read for the kids( best to read before lunch)

13-> lunch/dinner by 3pm or 4 pm depending on the time we had breakfast and I count 5-6 hours after each meal. Our body knows when we are hungry and my brain is ready when is time to eat I don't have to look on the clock all the time. 

14-> after lunch is time to clean and who cleaned the table usually sweeps the floor after lunch. 

From now its "free time" kids can play together, go in the backyard, make a special recipe or pull weeds!

We had so much fun Pulling weeds from the garden today! Was an exercise for the body as well as for our minds! The kids were so happy to be helping. We don't own a house but rent one and we share the beautiful backyard with our landlord and the owner today, a very nice lady was pulling some weeds so we offered our helper and were so blessed!! 
Praise God for weeds!! It was fun and we could see the good results at the end. 
Weeds are like bad thoughts or bad habits if you don't pull it by the roots it will just keep on growing! 

15-> by 7:30-8 pm it's time to take a shower. 

16-> 8:30 pm is family worship time. 

17-> 9pm brush teeth and use the toilet. 

18-> 9:15 pm is bed time. 

This is the summer time when the sunlight hours are longer. We learned to be adaptable to the seasons of the year specially in England were there's not much sunshine so we enjoy a few days when we see the sun late in the afternoon. 

Today we also went to the airport and took our family in Christ back to their place of departure. We will miss them greatly but life continues. 

We also did 3 different recipes today and I posted in recipes. 

It's 11:28pm and is time to sleep. 


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