June 22->On the sabbath day!

I have so much that I want to write here but as the day passes by and it gets to an end I just end up sleeping and then the next morning if I don't take the time to write down the blessings I received I will just miss another opportunity to tell about God's goodness!

So on the sabbath day God ended his work, His work which He began an He rested from all His work and God blessed the sabbath day and sanctified it!
"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."(Genesis 2: 2 and 3)

On the sabbath day we went to a Brazilian church and were blessed by the sermon of Pastor Rafael Luz that presented a message on parenting. Amidst the many things he said he spoke about Samson and the wrong choices he had made but because he had great God fearing parents in the end of his life yet he was saved! I believe that his mother was a praying mother and asked for God's protection on her son day by day! And here's the importance of praying mothers. I've learned to pray beside my children be every night since the day they were born and I continually do it everyday for this is my duty and God reminds me of it every night. We still have our trials but having God with us any burden is lightened by the help of Jesus! 

 Parenting is not an easy task but lifting our children to Him gives us the strength to do the work He wants for us to do! 


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