
And today I read in my bible about the word "withdraw"
2 Thessalonians 3:6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that youwithdraw yourselves from every brother who walks in rebellion, and not after the tradition which they received from us. (WEB KJV ASV DBY WBS YLT)

1 Timothy 6:5 constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such. (WEB KJV WBS)
I'm still learning and praying about what God wants me to learn from that word...
And at homeschool we are learning about Integrity and insects, today we spoke about the white ants. 
And today Daddy and our adopted grandpa or nôno went to the fruit market in London and brought lots and lots of yummy food!!! 
We are planning to have a one day a week only fruits! 

Can you believe that eggplants here in England are called Aubergine? Just funny
Logan and Larissa are enjoying the fruits and I'm working on the grapes that were not so good this time, so I'm washing it and will put it on the food dehydrator, nice little kitchen utensil/ machine, very useful! We had done strawberries, parsley, bananas and apples so far and also tomatoes and got very good results! 


And just a little bit more:

I did a grape and dates jam and it was not bad, no sugar just those 2 ingredients! But next time I will not add dates to it just because it sticks on the pan and then it can burn! At the end the jam was good ;)
I has cut some green onions and frozen it:
My hours today were well used! Praise God!! 
And at the end of the day after family worship it was my turn to put the kids to bed so I reminded something that happen when Logan was a 3 years old but I'll write another post just for this story! 
God is so good and has always been there for us!! 
I can't forget to say that today we had some battles and is usually with Logan but today was Larissa's turn! Just because she didn't want to clean up the crayons that she dropped; what a battle! But Jesus won again!! :) after much crying from Lissa and the rod of correction! Jesus was with us all the time:)
I also can't forget to say that I invented another gluten free recipe:
1 cup of millet( uncooked)
1 cup of gram( Indian flour)
2 Tbs of olive oil
2 Tbs gluten free oats
1 Tsp dry yeast
1 cup of warm water
2 Tbs grounded flaxseed
1/2 cup of corn meal
A few sundried tomatoes( optional)
1/2 Tbs salt
1 handful of almonds crushed 
1 Tbs honey

Wow a lot of ingredients... Mix all together and let it raise and after 20 min bake it on 200 degrees for 20-30 min. Finito :)

I will post my bread picture soon but this one is just to show that God is the one who helps me to bake bread and everything else that I do when I'm quiet in the kitchen I'm just talking to Him and asking blessings on the food I'm preparing!!
I also enjoy Pinterest :)
It's 10:20 pm! Time to sleep!


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