A weekly report

Day 1
Starting on the first day of the week which is Sunday the 30th. It was a busy but blessed day. So much to be thankful for. In the morning after our devotionals and family worship time we went to a miniature railway city, very cute:

In the afternoon there was a fair going on in the park close to our house so there we went, there was a bouncing thing and the kids were having fun
As I stood by a lady came and gave me a leaflet and I read the words:

I turned to read what it said in the other side of the paper and I read:

Wow!! For 3 months we were looking for a church close to our house and here's one 2 blocks from us!!! God is good! I said to the lady:
- I'm a seventh day Adventist! 
So she introduced us to the church family and what a blessing!!! I met Ana, a Portuguese stay at home and homeschool mom and I was very excited!! She has 2 girls older than my kids but are adorable and love to play with Logan and Larissa! 

Day 2
In Portuguese we call Monday- Second day or Segunda-Feira and its truly the second day of the week!
"For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."( Exodus 20:11)
I truly can't remember all we did on Monday, I think we saw the neighbors cat
He's a nice cat
And we did all the things we usually do like devotionals+changing clothes+folding pajamas+making beds+family worship+breakfast+ cleaning table+washing dishes+homeschool+Park+ lunch+ cleaning table+ washing dishes....Can't remember the rest in between
Logan decorated a table with leaves like plates and sticks for silverware. 

Day 3
After our everyday duties and washing clothes and hanging on a little clothes line on the heather( i must take a picture of that to show it to you) we went to a homeschool group meeting were we met with Ana, our Portuguese friend and another mom that I knew for 2 years just from a homeschool group on yahoo, it was really cool to put a face to a name! 
No pictures though :( I forgot. Next time I will take pictures; we will meet every first and third Tuesday of the month. I almost forgot to say that the "boiler" in the house stopped working! No hot shower and no heater, glad that the temperature this week was nice!    

Day 4
Ana came to our house and we had so much fun! We first shared the books we had in common, Sonlight Education Ministry and we shared our methods of teaching. She has the ladder of life books because mine are still in America:
The character quality for this week is Unselfishness 

Next we went for a walk and learned so much with Ana about the leaves that I can eat like the delicious elderflower. 
Here's Alicia and Larissa
I drank the tea of that flower and slept like a rock!

And a pretty bouquet for my house
 Saw some more beautiful flowers
Still no boiler working and I can't forget today was the day to wash the towels and the bed sheets. 

Day 5
Today I remember I woke up with Logan and he had already done his devotionals, changed his clothes and made his bed and was making this:
Praise God for sending angels to watch over our children and to give His Spirit to teach kids to obey and to remember to do what's right!! 

Well, we have asked the landlord for the plumber's phone number but it has no answer so asked for another plumber so they finally called... I could have done it myself I don't know why I had to wait on the landlord but anyways.. Rules are rules! The plumber will be able to come and see the problem only tomorrow! Ok...another day with a cold shower!
Today the kids were very but very good helpers, praise God! Everyday we clean a little but Thursdays are the extra stuff cleaning day and everyday we get ready for the sabbath day!  
Here's our cleaning routine:
And there are my great helpers
We had to go to the grocery store
And here are my helpers again
It was heavy and we had to walk just 0.5mile I can do it in 5 minutes but it usually takes us 15 minutes! Like everything else! Cleaning the house by myself should take me 30 minutes and with my helpers it's more than one hour and though it would be much easier to clean it by myself and much less stressful I just ask God for wisdom to be able to teach my children to have a routine and to learn how to clean! At the end they're happier than ever because they could be useful for mom!! God Bless their hearts!
Only God knows how many times I have lacked self control and patience in teaching them to clean, a small error but with great consequnces for myself and they forgave me and that's one of the reasons that Jesus said: "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."(Matthew 18:1)
Children are so quick to forgive AND forget!!

Day 6
 The last day of the week and the preparation day. This day should be the lightest of all week with not much work so I just leave the cooking for today and I did Special K for tomorrow since we are going to have lunch at church with our friend Ana, her daughters Abi and Alicia and her husband Al who is going to be preaching( he's not a pastor) the "A" family met the "L" family :)
For lunch today we had gluten free pasta with red lentils... Yummy. 
The weather was so nice:
So we went to the open air swimming pool and it was cool:
And at times it was cold
Time to go, too cold now!
So we took a hot and nice shower there and went to the playground

I forgot to say earlier that the plumber came in early and he said it was only a fan problem but the boiler is so old that they needed to order the fan and it will be here only on Tuesday and he also taught us that we could turn the water heather upstairs and have hot shower!! Really?! All week taking cold shower and he teaches us to plug something in!! As simple as that!!! Isn't that simple just to plug it in with Jesus in the morning and be empowered by His Holy Spirit? As simple as that we just need to plug in!
Well, summer days are perfect for melon:
And that one was specially sweet ;)
We have a lot of free time 'till daddy gets home so let's play
Logan is organized as always and Larissa adventurer as can be as always
Our week is over and I'm so glad for the sabbath day!! Blessed day of rest!!

H A P P Y     S A B B A T H 

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:"

( Exodus 20:8-10)


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