Lucy and the Rabbit

Today when Luke came home for lunch I took a deserved break and went for a walk in the quietness of the country! What peace we often forsake is found in nature. 

As I breathed and walked my mind was resting and refreshing from my children's  sweet little voices of demanding and the duties of a housewife. 

On my way back as I was crossing a very slow road something called my attention, it was a baby rabbit laying on the side of the road and it seemed was hit by a car. 

After 10 minutes of trying to manage to grab the hopeless creature, my hands are really not delicate at all, and I definitely could not be a doctor or a veterinary, I earnestly asked God for help and the verse:
"For The Lord God will help you.."(Isaiah 50:7) came to my mind. Looking at that poor and hurting creature and wanting so much to help him and do something for it, I that am just a sinful person and full of bad habits, I that am just a person couldn't help to see that creature hurt and was so willing to help him and that made me think of how much more God with all His Power, our Mighty God and Creator wants to help us in our daily trials he's watching and eager to help us as long as we allow Him to work in us and to carry our burdens. 

An idea from God suddenly appear that I should took off my jacket and hang the little rabbit over my jacket's hook and go home. So that's what I did:

On my way home he fell on the grass and moved his legs and body but not his little head so again I put him on my jacket and headed home. As soon as I got home I showed the little creature for Logan and Lissa and Luke that were excited but by the time I got a little box and was ready to put him inside the box I noticed he wasn't breathing anymore. 
Now this time I felt hopeless and helpless!!! Here I was with this poor creature and it died and I can't do nothing!!! And that's just what we are!! We are  hopeless and helpless like a little rabbit by the side of the road! We can do nothing without God and through Jesus, and only in Him we found peace and He is the living water, the breath of life, my All in All, my only way to Salvation!! 

May we live for Him and serve Him in the common things of life. 

I'm thankful today for husband's lunch break! 

With a heart melted
Lucy ;)


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