"Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right."{Proverbs 20:11}
Unselfishness was the character quality from last week and for this week we had Reverence!

There are still so much to learn about unselfishness and as we read the story of Ruth chapter 1-4 in our bible we learned from her unselfish character trait and just how much she devoted her life to her mother-in-law!
Knowing this and having my own mother-in-law living with us for 7 months now,  made me think of how selfish I am and how much of my selfishness I can see in my children as they copy my wrong impulses and inclinations toward her!

By watching the wisdom of my elderly mother-in-law I learned to appreciate her presence and in prayer I asked God to teach me how to love, because God is Love and love conquers everything!! That's a daily prayer that I must moment by moment in my thoughts learn to pray until it becomes a natural habit!

Learning Reverence, respect for God and the things of God is a blessing as we also learn to respect one another. We learned about Hannah's Prayer in 1 Samuel 1:11 and how she reverently served God and He heard her prayer and blessed her with Samuel and after she gave Samuel to God,  she was rewarded with  5 more children! When we give to God what's His we get privileges and blessings back npot knowing or even undeserving and that's called Amazing Grace!!

"From the earliest dawn of intellect Hannah had taught her son to love and REVERENCE God and regard himself as the Lords.... she did not ask for her son worldly greatness, but she earnestly pleaded that he might attain that greatness which Heaven values-that he might honor God and bless his fellow men."(Ellen White)

And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the Lord, and also with men."{I Samuel 2:26} 
We did some Swan origami with our ARC homeschool group

 We did some delicious Chia seed desert:
1 liter of grape juice from concentrade,
1/2 cup of water,
1/2 cup of Chia seeds,
2 apple sliced,
Put on the refrigerator overnight and it will be ready to eat the next morning! It's refreshing and really good, you could add some honey to it but it's optional! Enjoy it :)
Our morning fruit salad! 

 Ready for church! 

 We got to visit our friend the swan at the park after a week of rain and where there's rain there's mud so the kids were happily cleaning their muddy boots!

Thursday is still our cleaning day so each one does your cleaning chores to help with the house work!

Some extra task for this week, to clean the walls to earn some money :)

And learning about God's marvelous creation!!

Now it's time for me to go!!

Lucy :)


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