Clean up
Today is only Wednesday and is on Thursday the clean up day but we decided to clean up all the extra stuff from the house! With the summer daylight hours longer we stay up 'till late and around 9pm the kids go to bed and it means that I'm not ready to sleep 'till 11pm and then we just can't wake up at 6am the next morning, children usually at 7am.
Here's our fruit salad for today:
It was so good because I used my favorite fruits: one mango, shredded coconut, one full pomegranate and one shredded apple plus almonds and walnuts crushed! Yummy! Since my husband is still on the juice diet, day 15 today, so proud of him, I'm glad he didn't stay for breakfast as he would be so tempted to eat it!
Cleaning up was fun specially because today was such a rainy day! We cleaned the bookshelf and I really discarded all the books we are not using!
This neat idea I learned at Pinterest
Not content with making a mess with the books and all the homeschool paperwork we decided to move the kids to our bedroom since ours is bigger and my niece is coming next month so we needed more space! My house was a chaos for the whole day, but finally now is clean, after 2 huge and full bags of paper and trash and 2 big bags of donation, including a few of my clothes!
We moved to the UK nearly 6 months ago and already have accumulated a lot of useless stuff!! One thing I've learned is that the bigger the place the more you want to buy to fill those empty spaces! Now that the kids old closet, now ours, is smaller I had to get rid of the clothes I was not using and I feel much better!
I keep on saying that I wish I didn't need to sleep but its time to go again!
I'm so thankful for Family worship that made me stop and talk to God and talk about Him with the children;
Logan has this curious eyes because the story we are talking about is Esau and Jacob and I'm also amazed with the story as every time I hear it:
Jacob’s experience during that night of wrestling and anguish represents the trial through which the people of God must pass just before Christ’s second coming. The prophet Jeremiah, in holy vision looking down to this time, said, “We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace.... All faces are turned into paleness. Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.” Jeremiah 30:5-7. – {PP 201.1}
If you could read the books entitled "Patriarchs and Prophets from Ellen White" chapter 18. I highly recommend it and here's the PDF to download the book for free:
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