Finding joy in my afternoon!

Afternoon is usually a time when I'm anxious waiting for my husband to get home. It has been like that for a few years now! But today at 7pm instead of doing our normal getting ready to sleep routine we decided to go for a "rabbit spy". At the library I met a mom that told me about spying the rabbits after 6pm! I remember seeing the rabbits when going out running but haven't done spying with my children!! Oh how fun!! I truly appreciate the words of that mom!
Perhaps we saw a few rabbits but the memories we kept are more than many!!
 The life treasures are usually found where we least expect it!! A simple smile, a little laugh, a brotherly love caring for the sister that doesn't want to get hurt in the thorns! That's more than expected! That's God's love for us!! 
May we love each other as brothers and sisters and care each others burdens!! 

Lucy :) 

Ps.: Look at the neighbor we found on our way back home:


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