Ups and downs!

Thursday the clean up day! What if you don't feel like doing it! I guess we are so tired from yesterday's cleaning that today we just didn't have enough energy and were not willing to clean! And besides I saw that Logan is having a bad day and so am I! Motherhood also has ups and down, somedays are smoother while others are harder and that's when you need encouragements!! 
Well after doing our normal routine and homeschool was over we went to the stores to donate yesterday's stuff!
And guess what?  It was raining!!
Like my hometown in Brazil, Curitiba here in England is not different and there's 4 seasons in one day!! 
Here's our afternoon

And for sunny afternoons and little girls smiles
And for the beautiful flowers that are here and there
And everywhere
For swings
And playgrounds
And for little seeds between sweet little boys fingers 
That will become huge
Trees; and we look so little compared to the work of God's hands!!
And yet He still speaks to us!!  Through the scriptures! 
Through music!( scripture songs)
I was listening to this cd
When the words from "Proverbs 16:32" 
" He that is slow, slow, slow, slow to anger, is
Better better better better than the mighty, than
He that ruleth, ruleth ruleth ruleth his spirit than
He that taketh taketh taketh taketh the city!!!"
Stuck in my mind throughout the day!!
And I decided that the:
Through a message from a mother of 4 who's
Kids are now graduating!
Someone Knows better than I and can surely be an 
"You don't want to rob yourself of the privilege of homeschooling.  It is really hard to be the mom, teacher and disciplinarian.  Believe me, it takes a dedication, perseverance, abnegation, dying to self constantly.  It is the greatest sacrifice that  I  made but it is worth it. It's worth all the tears that I have shed, all the frustration that I have gone through.  I don't regret it for a little bit. My dear friend, Jesus can give you the strength and  direction that you need."

Through a friend's blog He can encourage us:

And we can keep on looking forward because in between our ups and downs there's always hope that through Jesus Christ our Savior we can be made perfect!  

 And that's it for today!
I pray you can be encouraged! 
Please keep us in your prayers! We need it! 
Kindly and thankfully 
Lucy :) 


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