June 9- Sunday

Sunday was yesterday but I have made up my mind that throughout this month of June I would certainly write one daily note of thankfulness! 

For Sunday I was thankful about the adventurers club we have at church, though it was our last time teaching since we are living too far from church I know my children enjoy it a lot! Being around other children make them happier sometimes so I might take them back to the adventurers once a month or once every two months... Not sure yet! 

I'm thankful that we taught our class to make a delicious desert made out of dates and coconuts. Here they are writing the recipe and the "dates ball" are wrapped in the aluminum foil. 
God's grace be with these children as they go thru their daily duties serving God in this world full of temptations specially for the youth!! I truly pray that God will send His Holy Spirit to live in this children's mind! 

This is it for today! 

I can't forget to say that today I did a one day fast, just water as I needed to restore my confidence with Christ and to clarify some decisions and thoughts! God is good and He gives discernment to those who ask!! 

Here's what I have learned so far for Sunday:
Larissa was demanding something she didn't need at the moment or I could not provide it for her, it was just a little ballerina shoes that she has but I keep hidden higher and I couldn't get it today since I had to use my muscles and just for today I was taking it easy because of my fast but in Larissa's mind it was suffering and sorrowful, she fussed and insistently followed me with her little demands and crying after long 30 minutes she started to calm down after I had several times explained it to her. 
Sometimes fast helps me to keep my mind clear and be calmer in situations like that one and to hold strong my decision to not going back to give what my child wanted even when it takes 30 minutes of listening to her crying. 

Now this is it for today! 


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